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Healthy Living Lifestyle Products
Genetic Iris Analysis

Monday, 14 November 2011


The six pointed star as it reflects the Geometry in the physical body. The ANTERIOR SIDE of the six pointed star reflexes are the sinus region in the positive pole and the pubic bone in the negative pole.  The POSTERIOR SIDE of the six pointed star reflexes are the medulla oblongata in the positive pole and the sacrum and the dura mater in the negative pole.  The six pointed star is the motor energy in the body.  It is responsible for the light in the eyes for the positive direction and the health of the spine and brain.  The sacrum pumps the cerebrospinal fluid up to the brain and back down again.  Anteriority like the upward poles of a teepee the open inverted triangle above the eyes is the seat of our conscious mental inspiration and positive ideas, which bear fruit.  

Below the primary energy (respiration of life energy), mixes with our secondary respiration (oxygen) in our heart.  The heart circulates fresh blood to every cell, giving life to all cells.  At the same time, without the life energy this impulse of pumping would be lacking.  The sacrum stores this vital energy.  The eye muscles bring light to the brain and the sacrum pumps this energy up and down.  The eyes and sacrum work together.

The Six Pointed Star is important for managing stress and remaining focused during chaotic times and well as giving tone to our muscles, and peace to our mind. 

Have a Joyous Day Wherever you are.
Our thought of Love and Warmth go out to each and everyone of You.
Love Jeffrey, Allyn and Lorraine

Definition of Sacrum:   (Latin (os), sacrum, (sacer, sacra, sacrum, "SCARED")Known to some as THE MYSTERIOUS SACRUM and SACRED BONE.  A vertebrae in the spine a large triangular bone at the base of the spine and at the upper and back part of the pelvic cavity and forms the rear section of the pelvis.  It is inserted like a wedge between the two hip bones.  Its upper part connects with the last lumbar vertebra and the bottom part with the coccyx (tailbone). There are five unfused vertebrae both sides of the sacrum which begin to fuse between ages 16-18 completely fused into single bone by age 26. The sacrum forms the posterior pelvic wall and helps strengthen and stabilises the pelvis.  The sacrum as the keystone and foundation for the normal and abnormal curves of the spinal column.  

Sunday, 13 November 2011


It goes on from the inside.  It is responsible for our health and longevity.  It carries the life essence through our body and mind and exists as vibration.  Sound is part of this vibration.  Tapping on different parts of the body creates different sounds.  Our sensory energies are on the front of our body.  When we close our hands together, we are closing off the neutral sensory energy in our hands and directing our energies naturally to our primary respiration.  All soft tissue is sensory.  The centre of our sensory inlet is our umbilicus where we were attached to our mother in the womb.  We receive our sensory signals from the universe through our umbilicus in the neutral zone and through our eyes in the positive zone.  Our motor energy has to be equal to our sensory energy, so we can release what we don't need.  This balance is tantamount for the primary energy to travel un-obstructed from the sacrum to the brain.  

The opening of the ears reflex to the umbilicus.  For a quiet moment put your little fingers gently in your ears, lift - close your eyes and hum to a vibration that reaches your ears for about a minute.  VERY RELAXING.....
It gives elasticity and balance to the core of the body, releasing tension and stress.....

Love Always
Jeffrey, Allyn and Lorraine

Friday, 11 November 2011


Hello, Healthy Living Lifestyle Students and Friends across the Universe.  Today is a new day, yesterday has gone.  Today's Educational Topic!
5 POINTED STAR                                    6 POINTED STAR
The body has two basic geometric patterned stars.  These form in the womb as all planets revolve in the universe, during the nine month gestational period.  The magnetic pull in the womb reflects the magnetic pull in the universe.

The 5 pointed Star is responsible for the sensory energy in man and woman.  Its top point is located under the chin.  It's triangular space reflects the throat for our expression and discrimination.  It is the governor of our available secondary respiratory oxygen.  The next two points of the 5 pointed star extend to the shoulders - The shoulders and Brachial Plexus are the TOP BASE for secondary respiration-positive pole.  Pouparts Ligament at the bottom of the torso on both sides aligned with the hips are the negative pole of respiration.  Tightness in either the positive pole or the negative pole affect the respiration as well as geometric alignment.  The diaphragm remains our neutral pole for respiration above the umbilicus.  It is the largest muscle in our body and it's attachments (crura) connect between the 2nd + 3rd lumbar vertebrae making it a sensory and motor muscle. 

The energy of the 5 Pointed Star crosses over at the umbilicus.  Therefore the left shoulder reflexes to the right ovary and the right shoulder reflexes to the left ovary.  Where we are in our cycle and our relationship to the cycle of the moon and tides also reflect this geometric balance.  Sometimes what we think is an emotional problem turns out to be a simple geometrical dis-alignment.....

Keep Your Shoulders and Hips Free and Things will Move More Easily Inside and Out.....
We Guess that gives a New Meaning to "GO WITH THE FLOW",
                                                             "WHERE EVER YOU GO"

Love and warm wishes to each and everyone of You.
Jeffrey, Allyn and Lorraine 

Wednesday, 9 November 2011


ELECTROMAGNETIC ENERGY is our finest energy.
Mental Energy is our moving energy
The Physical Body is our densest Energy.  
We have to spark the Electromagnetic Energy so it reaches the mental and physical energy.


- Amino Acids Sparks it
- Fresh Air Sparks it
- Deep Breathing Sparks it
- Inspirational Reading Sparks It
- A Clean Relaxed Environment Sparks it
- Certain Forms of Exercise Spark it, walking is brilliant
- Good Diet Sparks It
- A Positive Outlook on your Life Sparks It
- Accepting Failure as part of the living and moving forward Sparks It as well.

You can Say, "Take a bite out of the Marrow of Life.  This old saying pertains to something deep within our being.....Our Bone Marrow, where our Tcells, B Lymphocytes and fresh blood are manufactured deep within the cavernous air spaces of our bone.-
Sunlight on the skin is very important.  Our Skin Breathes and is permeable, so what ever we expose it to it absorbs.  The sunlight on our skin is important for the making of the Tcells, B Lymphocytes and fresh blood as is the crown (Pineal) of the head to the cervix or prostate where the cerebrospinal fluid carries the finest electromagnetic energy for the bone marrow.  The crown of the head reflexes to the eye and the eyes are the most used muscles in the body.  Therefore it is necessary for light to be received through the eyes.  Sunglasses and contact lenses worn all the time can inhibit this absorption.  If we don't have a renewed fresh blood supply in the bone marrow and if there are not enough Tcells stored in the thymus, (a gland in the middle of the chest), the breakdown of our balance and wellbeing begins.  The lymph fills up with dead cells..... We feel heavy-tired-perhaps even depressed.  This is a signal something needs a kick start in the system and we can help explain this to all of you.
Healthy Bone Marrow, Healthy Bones, Greater Immunity and Energy.  

The Fibres in the Eye Reflect the Health in the bone marrow.  Light in the Eyes is the Tone in the Thighs and the Strength in the Bone for all over Health

Enjoy the Day and Remember your Eye Muscles are the Most Used Muscles in the Body.
Thinking of all of you today with Love
Jeffrey, Allyn and Lorraine

Bone Marrow (Latin; medulla ossium) it is a flexible tissue found in the interior of the bones.  Human bone marrow in large bones produce new blood cells, Tcells, B Lymphocytes and red blood cells.  Bone marrow constitutes an average of 4% of the total body mass of humans.  There are two types of bone marrow: red marrow (formation of blood cells-hematopoietic) - yellow marrow that consist of mainly fat cells that produce energy and help activate hormone.  Red blood cells, platelets and most white blood cells are produced in the red marrow.  Both types of bone marrow contain numerous blood vessels and capillaries.  At birth all bone marrow is red and with age more and more of it is converted to the yellow type.  As adults only half the amount of bone marrow is red.  Red marrow is found mainly in the flat bones i.e. hip bone, breast bone, cranium, ribs, vertebrae and shoulder blades and in the cancellous ("spongy") material at the ends of long bones such as the femur and humerus (thigh and arm bones).  Yellow marrow is found in the middle, hollow area of the interior of the middle portion of long bones i.e thigh and arm bones.  In severe blood loss, the body can convert yellow marrow back to red marrow to increase blood cell production.


Monday, 7 November 2011


What Is A Virus? A virus can manifest itself in various symptoms. Recently we are having students showing the virus in symptoms of sleep patterns being distrubted, sore throat, fever, dizziness, anxiety, poor equilibrium, blocked ears, hot and cold. The virus can effect the central nervous system and creating an inflamed thyroid condition. If the virus effects the central nervous system then the hypothalamus can get inflamed. The hypothalamus controls body temperature (hot-cold), blood pressure, heart beat, rapid or irregular heart beat, low blood pressure, light headed, dizzy, faint, breathing- fast short breaths or unable to exhale carbon dioxide, appetite-loss or hunger water balance- uncontrollable thrust or dehydration. Headaches, swelling and sore bones and joints. It can be because the thyroid and hypothalamus is inflamed that sleep patterns are out of balance. The bio-rthyms can be effected.

Recommended Treatments
Ice is a useful tool - back of neck for blood pressure, hot cold and dehydration. You could put ice lower back or even give it a go sitting on the ice just like athletes will sometimes ice the groin after a work out. The ice helps to draw blood into the nerves and help localize the inflammatory condition. Another suggestion is lay down and run ice up and down either side of spine to help breathing. Keep the front warm.
Castor oil pack back of neck for sore throat
Back of kidneys for sore back, joints and swelling. (remember to do lower abdomen with other recommended positions. The small intestine has the peyers patches that assist the spleen and helps lymph to drain.

Recommended Formula for the symptoms of this particular virus.
NT#3 1/2 tsp boost white blood cells, increase nitric oxide and growth hormone so help to switch off at night.
PTC #8 1 tsp anxiety, helps blood pressure, joint and bone pain
WW#9 1/2 tsp to help over heating, headache, pain and anxiety.
ATP#10 1tsp helps with dehydration, fever, heart beat increase energy and help increase energy into cells
MT#11 1/2tsp helps to fight viruses, rhythm of heart
PI#12 1/2 tsp helps with pain joints and bone.
TRQ#14 1tsp supports adrenals to activate natural cortisone to help regulate cortisol (stress hormone)
BioA#17a 1 tsp helps to oxygenates and reduce inflammation. Oxygen Viruses have a hard time living.

WHAT IS A VIRUS? A virus (from the Latin virus meaning toxin or poison) A virus is surrounded by fat, protein and or glycoprotein coat. Viruses are unique organisms because they cannot reproduce without a host cell. After contacting a host cell, a virus will insert genetic material into the host and take over the host's functions. The cell, now infected, continues to reproduce, but it reproduces more viral protein and genetic material instead of its usual products. It is this process that earns viruses the classification of "parasite". Unlike human cells or bacteria, viruses do not contain (enzymes) needed to carry out the chemical reactions for life. A virus must have a host cell (bacteria, plant or animal) in which to live and make more viruses. Outside the host cell, viruses cannot function. Most viruses can be alive because of what happens when they infect a host cell.

Have a Wonderful Day Everyone.  Lots of Love Jeffrey, Allyn and Lorraine  

Wednesday, 2 November 2011



There are 2 types of Respiration.
1.     Primary Respiration which goes on Automatically without it we cannot live for one second.
2.     Secondary Respiration 1*we inhale what we need from the atmosphere
                                             2*we exhale what we don't need
Inhalation and Exhalation.
Keep the diaphragm pumping as it is so important.  It is the largest muscle in the human body.....
It helps us think better and feel more at ease when it is moving-
Have a great day and Just Go Outside and Take a Life Giving Breath.

Lots of Love to all of you,  From the Three of Us.

With each breath the lungs take in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide.  The air (oxygen) we breath enters from nose and mouth into the lungs via the trachea the main windpipe which branches into two main tubes supplying the right and left lung. Right Lung is slightly bigger than the Left Lung as the Heart is centred more to the left.  The tubes branch into smaller tubes (bronchi, bronchioles) and more than 300 million air sacs (alveoli).  If a persons lungs were laid flat they would cover an area larger than a tennis court.  The wall of the air sacs are bathed with millions of tiny blood vessels called capillaries and this is how oxygen is absorbed from the lungs into the blood stream and carbon dioxide is removed from body.  Inhalation, Exhalation.The Lungs are also important in the body's defence against infection and other harmful environmental factors.  While the nose and mouth are the first line of defence from inhaling harmful material  the lungs are second line of defence.  Inhaled toxin (smoke, pollution) or (viruses, bacteria, mould) pass through the nose and mouth and can lodge in the lungs.  The body produces mucus to trap the toxin so the thymus in the mid of the chest can release Tcells and other white bloods can help destroy bacteria, viruses and harmful toxins.  Coughing is the best way to clear mucus and other materials from the lungs.  Once you breath in oxygen the lungs full up with blood and absorb oxygen and then filter from the blood sacs into the liver.  Then the carbon dioxide is released into the environment.  Nature- plants live off carbon dioxide and we live off oxygen.  We help supply carbon dioxide and plants help supply us with oxygen.  Plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen into the atmosphere for us to BREATH.   What is most important in Breathing is we make red blood cells in the liver and bone marrow so we can absorb and hold onto oxygen. Then the body can EXHALE carbon dioxide.  NATURE is INCREDIBLE  INTELLIGENT!

Latest Educational News Letter-Skin Largest Organ, Villi like coral of sea.

Hello Healthy Living Lifestyle Students and Friends across the Universe.

Latest Educational News Letter-Skin Largest Organ
The skin is the largest organ in our body and it breathes. It's job is to be acidic in nature to ward off environmental poisons, moulds, fungus etc. The saliva is acidic in the mouth to break down the food for digestion, so when it reaches the stomach the mouth has done it's job. The stomach is also an acidic environment, but it loves sodium ascorbate, our BioS#17-PTC#8 formula to keep it calm and happy. The vagina is acidic to protect the internal organs from bacteria and virus. The womb is alkaline as it has the ability to hold a baby as it grows for 9 months and the large intestine is alkaline as well. The elimination of waste from the body depends on the core energy from the fontanelle to the coccyx. The villi are tiny fingers in the intestines that sway like coral in a reef to move things through. The rectal nerves, 2000 of them and the splenic flexure nerves must be balanced for this to happen as well as the diaphragm being open. The diaphragm is the largest muscle in the body. We are like an orchestra, but our music is a vibration resonating inside of us at different levels in the body. We have to harmonise within ourself to hear our inner voice. Everyone's harmony is individual to him or her depending on conception, 9 months in the womb, the magnetic geometry at the time, the external environment through life and our own personal mental patterns which one may have come in with. Find your MUSIC - SING YOUR SONG- That is the story of life simply put. The Amino Acids target your genetic strengths and weaknesses and are a gentle arsenal to help you through the day.

Jeffrey, Allyn and Lorraine
Sydney Australia