Healthy Living Lifestyle Products

Healthy Living Lifestyle Products
Genetic Iris Analysis

Saturday, 16 August 2014

Fever Cure and Saturation

Fever Cure and Saturation
Plants live off carbon dioxide, we need oxygen.   An antibiotic is made from a immune system of a plant. Adding certain herbs with your amino acids can boost your immune system and work like a natural antibiotic.  The spleen, functionally in our body is our natural antibiotic.
1.     Boost your amino acids.  They help boost your immune system and activate all glands tonsils, adenoids, thymus, lymph nodes, lymphatic vessels, appendix, peyers patches, appendix, spleen and your bone marrow.
2.    Echinacea can act like a natural antibiotic.  This helps the spleen.
3.    Golden seal herb either one will work like a natural antibiotic.  Helps spleen, tonsil and adenoids.
4.     Increase Vitamin C.   BIOA17 and BIOS17 are our vitamin C formulas.  Avoid calcium ascorbate or ester c. Buy if they have melrose ascorbic acid and sodium ascorbate. Avoid slow release vitamin C. Take vitamin C every 2 - 3 hours to saturation. Saturation is reaching bowel tolerance, then ease off. You take it every 2 hours until you get a loose bowel and gassy. Vitamin C can produces hydrogen peroxide in liver. This oxygenates to produce more bail to flush out. This helps the tonsil, adenoids, lymph nodes, lymphatic vessels and bone marrow
5.     Heat pad with castor oil pack on lower abdomen.  This helps the peyers patches and thymus to boost immunity.
6.     Epsom salt bath 3-4 cups of Epsom. 1 cup bicarb soda. Ice pack on head or neck. Cool down after a 20 minute soak then shower off.  Epsom salt bath is inducing a fever. A virus cannot survive in a temp of 39-40 degrees celsius. You sweat in or after the bath you are helping the lymph to drain to remove bacteria and infection.   Helps Lymph nodes, appendix, tonsils,  lymphatic vessels, spleen and thymus.
7.     Activated charcoal helps to absorb influenza, candida, fungus, mould, bacteria and chemical.  Helps the appendix and spleen.
8.     Olive leaf is a herb useful to fight a virus.
9.     Calendula herb.  Helps with bacteria and inflammation..  You can make as a tea or put into a bath tub with bicarb soda.
10.    Gargle warm water and salt.  Helps with tonsils and adenoids and thyroid.

Fever cure and saturation are important for the body to go through a virus, bacteria, infection, fungus, mould or chemical and turn it into a healing crisis. 

Mahalo Healthy Living Lifestyle Team

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Pain is not negative

Aloha to each of you!

Pain is not negative. It is the opposite to pleasure. It either has us turn inward or to seek to find balance.  In nature, physical pain is a signal to slow down, pay attention, find balance and to seek the treatment for regeneration.  We use the stress formula for any emotional, physical and or mental pain.  This formula helps to support the adrenals, activates T cells which build antibodies, immunity, assist more production of oxytocin the love and pain hormone. The stress remedy takes no digestion it is assimilated directly via silva in the mouth, into the top of the roof of mouth to brain, even before it enters the stomach. The stress formula helps to increase circulation to stimulate the hypothalamus and pineal glands.  When the circulation increase's to the glands then the dopamine is released from pituitary gland in the front of the brain to help us to think more clearly and work to find a solution to bring back balance. Have a Fabulous Day everyone!
NT3 1/4 tsp helps to circulate T Cells throughout the lymph to all lymph glands and nodes. 
PTC8 1/2 tsp helps to calm the nerves, assist digestion and activates GABA in the brain eg slow the brain down if we are under mental stress 
WW9 1/2-1 tsp helps with serotonin, dopamine and melatonin. Increase your well power. Helps to increase red blood cells. 
MT11 1/4tsp helps with fatigue, with all type of stress fatigue can occur as the body attacks the muscles to get protein for glucose. Glucose gives us energy. 
PI12 1/4 tsp helps to increase oxytocin the pain and love hormone. Inflammation on going depletes your reserves. Recovery is important to bring about balance 
TRQ14 1/2 tsp helps adrenals cortisol response. 
ALA 1/4 tsp helps with simple sugars to convert into glucose. Our diet when under stress changes needing more carbohydrate and sugar to give energy. This helps so the sugars, carbohydrates in the diet convert into glucose instead of storing fat and effect insulin. 
GLU 1/2 tsp Glutamine is stored in muscles. Stress can have an effect in losing muscle or retaining fluid. Glutamine helps with the brain, sugar craving, memory, absorption, concentration and moods. Helps to produce both red and white blood cells  
TAU 1/4 tsp is important for the hypothalamus. This glands regulates water balance, appetite, heart beat, body temperature, bio rhythm's and release of melatonin. 
ARG 1/4 tsp activates natural HGH human growth hormone.  Can increase you stem cells in the bone marrow to produce T cells. Improves blood circulation, helps kidneys, improves immunity and hormone function. The kidneys sit under the adrenal glands. When cortisol is released for the body to respond to stress the kidneys can become inflamed. The kidneys are the filter of waste disposal. 

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Aloha Everyone,    

Here is a preconception program.   
CF1Lysine and ornithine  are important for the absorption of calcium and magnesium. They are essential nutrients for the bone marrow.
CF2 this formula helps with your natural progesterone.  20ml to fall pregnant and then in the first 12 weeks the progesterone levels go up to 200ml
NT3  this helps the melatonin to be produce naturally
5a this helps with glutathione the most powerful antioxidant for the liver
CB7a with pregnancy the colon muscle can become slow so this help with the paralytic muscle in the colon
PTC8 relaxation is very important for conception
WW9 helps with circulation, dopamine and serotonin. 
ATP10 activates creatine that is stored in the bone marrow, reproductive glands and brain
MT11  this formula helps keep your immunity strong and helps the metabolism of cholesterol.  This is important for hormone production
PI12  tsp helps to produce oxytocin.  Oxytocin is released to assist the body going through the birthing eg, pain and love hormone 
TRQ14  supports adrenal and thyroid. In pregnancy it is important to reserve your adrenals.  The amount of adrenal we have helps to push the baby out. Thyroid, pituitary, adrenals and ovaries work together. 
FB15 helps breast milk, uterus and relaxation of the reproductive area.  Assist the balance of oestrogen, progesterone, pregnenolone and dhea
BIOS17  vitamin c and bioflavonoids are important for oxygenation.
ALG19 folic acid and B12 are best absorbed through the silva in the mouth
ALA helps blood sugars, sugar cravings and is one amino acid the adrenals made up of. 
ARG nitric oxide is important dilator.  Assist the blood circulation into the reproductive area, brain, heart, lungs and throughout the body.
TAU 75% of mothers breast milk is made up of taurine.
GLU This is all the linings in our body, lungs, intestine, bladder and concentrates in our muscle.
Remember one of the most important muscles in the female body is the uterus. 

When you find out you are pregnant then you stop the ARG and WW9.  You produce an incredible amount of growth hormone through the pregnancy.  ARG helps to produce growth hormone so you don't need it.  Their is no harm in taking it and you don't know your pregnant.  WW9 has the guarana in it.  We suggest to remove it from your program.
Iron is also important for conception.  Vitamin D from the sun as important.  If you can get your chest exposed even better.

Mahalo Healthy Living Lifestyle Team