Aloha to each of you!
Pain is not negative. It is the opposite to pleasure. It either has us turn inward or to seek to find balance. In nature, physical pain is a signal to slow down, pay attention, find balance and to seek the treatment for regeneration. We use the stress formula for any emotional, physical and or mental pain. This formula helps to support the adrenals, activates T cells which build antibodies, immunity, assist more production of oxytocin the love and pain hormone. The stress remedy takes no digestion it is assimilated directly via silva in the mouth, into the top of the roof of mouth to brain, even before it enters the stomach. The stress formula helps to increase circulation to stimulate the hypothalamus and pineal glands. When the circulation increase's to the glands then the dopamine is released from pituitary gland in the front of the brain to help us to think more clearly and work to find a solution to bring back balance. Have a Fabulous Day everyone!
NT3 1/4 tsp helps to circulate T Cells throughout the lymph to all lymph glands and nodes. PTC8 1/2 tsp helps to calm the nerves, assist digestion and activates GABA in the brain eg slow the brain down if we are under mental stress
WW9 1/2-1 tsp helps with serotonin, dopamine and melatonin. Increase your well power. Helps to increase red blood cells.
MT11 1/4tsp helps with fatigue, with all type of stress fatigue can occur as the body attacks the muscles to get protein for glucose. Glucose gives us energy.
PI12 1/4 tsp helps to increase oxytocin the pain and love hormone. Inflammation on going depletes your reserves. Recovery is important to bring about balance
TRQ14 1/2 tsp helps adrenals cortisol response.
ALA 1/4 tsp helps with simple sugars to convert into glucose. Our diet when under stress changes needing more carbohydrate and sugar to give energy. This helps so the sugars, carbohydrates in the diet convert into glucose instead of storing fat and effect insulin.
GLU 1/2 tsp Glutamine is stored in muscles. Stress can have an effect in losing muscle or retaining fluid. Glutamine helps with the brain, sugar craving, memory, absorption, concentration and moods. Helps to produce both red and white blood cells
TAU 1/4 tsp is important for the hypothalamus. This glands regulates water balance, appetite, heart beat, body temperature, bio rhythm's and release of melatonin.
ARG 1/4 tsp activates natural HGH human growth hormone. Can increase you stem cells in the bone marrow to produce T cells. Improves blood circulation, helps kidneys, improves immunity and hormone function. The kidneys sit under the adrenal glands. When cortisol is released for the body to respond to stress the kidneys can become inflamed. The kidneys are the filter of waste disposal.
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